Vibrations 2.2

This week I've got a mish mash of stuff for all of ya. Hope you enjoy some of it:

Wintergreen, is a cutesy British synth-pop band. Maybe a little too cutesy sometimes. Their music reminds me of some of Broken Social Scene's stuff ... or at least the introductions to some of their songs. Listen to:
Wintergreen - The Rule of Small Things
Wintergreen - Squirrel In the Wallspace
Wintergreen - Are Our Future

Phantom Buffalo is a Portland-based group that plays almost wacky, but exuberant Byrds-inspired pop songs. Really neat stuff in terms of instrumentation, with creative and fun lyrics to boot. Listen to:
Phantom Buffalo - Be The Boss
Phantom Buffalo - Killing's Not Okay
Phantom Buffalo - A Hilly Town

Lastly, I've got another girl band for you ... the Schla La Las. Yeah -- gaggy name, as they do take to the Shangri-Las, but they're good. Four guitars and one drummer make for a really pretty girl band sound. Nice, tight harmonies, too. Listen to:
the Schla La Las - Shallowgirl
the Schla La Las - Hawaiian