
Remember the delightful Swedish pop duo Suburban Kids With Biblical Names? Well, Peter -- one half of the indie-/guitar-pop pair -- has been an active member of another band, Springfactory since 2005. The band shouldn't be thought of as a S.K.W.B.N. lookalike, though -- they share little in common. Springfactory's sound is equally indie-pop oriented and relies heavily on cutesy lyrics, twee production qualities, banjo melodies, and quirky arrangements (plenty of xylophone, horn, etc.) like S.K.W.B.N., but otherwise, they represent a sharper, more concise breed of Swedish pop music that S.K.W.B.N. never neared.

Gah, I can't believe I wrote S.K.W.B.N. three times in that paragraph. Ignore me.

The band released a collection of their EPs on the Nebraskan label, Series Two Records, on December 3. Buy a copy over at the MySpace page. Springfactory will undeniably be on repeat at the BBBD Offices ... and why not? Not a single song isn't immensely hooky and memorable, not a single word out of vocalist Linda's words comes out flat or or insincere or unnatural, not a single banjo strum sounds cheesy or cliche, and not one guitar hook sounds bland, overdone. Swing along to Springfactory's easy-going guitar-pop/indie-rock tunes. Ahhhh, so good.

Springfactory - Stingy Friday Morning

Springfactory - No More

Springfactory - Get Out of Bed
