British Sea Power Plagiarize Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

It might be a little bit of a stretch to call this a true plagiarization, but hey, it's pretty interesting nonetheless.
British Sea Power (MySpace) just released their Krankenhaus? E.P. yesterday on Rough Trade in the U.K., and it's pretty darn good. A confident step forward ... few of the songs stick to that original uber-short, to-the-point format that the group adhered to originally, but they've all that same vitality and brusqueness that I missed quite a bit on the last LP. It's been too long, though ...
Anyway, I couldn't help but note the similarities between "Atom" and Clay Your Hands Say Yeah's "Is This Love." Fortunately, BSP drops the CYHSY hook early on, but for about five, six seconds there, I thought I pushed the wrong button on my laptop and pulled up CYHSY.
British Sea Power - Atom
Clay Your Hands Say Yeah - Is This Love?