Clique Talk Revisited

The Chicago post-punk/electro/quasi-noise/dub/overall bizarre trio, Clique Talk has been hammering away at new material since I last posted about them. There's an album in the works, three ridiculously cool psychedelic-themed videos floating around (after the jump, folks!), and several new tracks online.
Good deal.
The band seems to be in a transitional phase, though, with one of the members moving to Providence in the next few months (rumor has it he's aspirations to become a cross-dressing cabaret singer/burlesque dancer), and no one really solidly knowing what to do next.
But, but, but ... for now, just get down to these jammin' tunes. It's like Hot Chip done post-punk style without all the acid or an electro-leaning version of the Unicorns filtered through drum machines and old skool synths or Of Montreal attempting Cure covers with a bunch of lo-fi electronic sonics. Tres cool. Check out the killer videos after the jump ... please let this go viral ...
Clique Talk - Shining Dark
Clique Talk - Sweet Chips